Guildhall Attendance Register E100Z
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Guildhall Attendance Register E100Z
Product Code: GH12904
Pack Of 1
Item is in stock
This attendance register records attendance for up to 50 pupils for one academic year. There are pre-printed spaces for recording daily, weekly and monthly totals, and spaces for recording pupils' personal details, such as date of birth and addresses. It features a red manilla cover and is 380 x 203mm in size.
This attendance register records attendance for up to 50 pupils for one academic year. There are pre-printed spaces for recording daily, weekly and monthly totals, and spaces for recording pupils' personal details, such as date of birth and addresses. It features a red manilla cover and is 380 x 203mm in size.
Pack Contains1
Width (mm)251
Depth (mm)326
Height (mm)326
Weight (kg)0.09
Nordic Swan (Y/N)No
Country of OriginUnited Kingdom
ISO 14001 (Y/N)Yes
Recyclable (Yes/No)Yes
Recyclable Percentage100
Green ProductYes
Biodegradable100% Biodegradable
Biodegradable Information100
Paper Weight70
Number of Pages24
Item Gauge (gsm)70
Product TypeManuscript Books
2023 UK catalogue page no160
2024 UK catalogue page no159
50 entries, 3 terms, 5 days Mon-Fri
70gsm paper and manilla cover
Colour: Red
Cutaway pages mean name of pupil only has to be written once
Daily, weekly, monthly and term totals
Size: 326 x 205mm
GHT1030GHT1030GHT1030Exacompta Guildhall Attendance Register Book 1827
406911406911GH12906Guildhall Register and Mark Book E300Z

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